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SEIU 925 Social Media Community Guidelines 

Welcome to SEIU 925’s Social Media Community. Our goal is to maintain a space where SEIU 925 members, supporters, volunteers and staff can share information and ideas to build a stronger voice for caregivers in our communities and workplaces.  

We encourage comments that:  

  • Are on topic and respond to the content in the article or post  
  • Respond to comments left by other participants  
  • Are brief and to the point  
  • Are positive/constructive in tone  
  • Offer opinions without insulting individuals, unions, or other supporting organizations  

To ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all users of our social pages, we cannot allow comments that:  

  • Use foul, discriminatory, libelous or threatening language, or use racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable or harassing language against any individual, union, or other organization, including SEIU 925  
  • Disrupt normal on-topic conversation, including messages designed to provoke an angry response, or messages that are repeated over and over or fill the screen with gibberish  
  • Contain advertising, campaigning, or solicitations Invade the privacy of others  
  • Violate trademark or copyright laws or other laws  

Also, to further ensure a positive and enjoyable experience conducive to constructive conversation, and in the interest of building a positive online community, participants must maintain a profile showing their real name and at least one photo of themselves. Please don’t misrepresent yourself or others or create multiple accounts. Anonymous profiles (where the participant’s personal identity cannot be discerned) may be removed from our page.  

We reserve the right to delete comment(s)/image(s), without notice, that violate these guidelines. Repeated or egregious violations may result in a user being banned from this page. Nothing in these guidelines is intended to restrict the rights of SEIU 925 members under applicable federal law, including the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, 29 U.S.C. § 401, et seq.