UW union bargaining 2024

Updates from our union bargaining team:

Union bargaining teamm member Alyssa with an update on the July 23 bargaining session:

Chapter President Rhonda Johnson with an update from the July 9 bargaining session:


Click here to meet the rest of our union bargaining team!

Important dates:
July 24 – Leadership Assembly / UW member meeting
July 30 – Scheduled bargaining
Aug 9 – Scheduled bargaining
Aug 13 – Scheduled bargaining
Aug 20 – Scheduled bargaining
Sept 6 – Scheduled bargaining
Sept 11 – Scheduled bargaining
Oct 1 – Ratified contract due to Governor

Download this Zoom background to show your solidarity during bargaining!

Download our Zoom or Teams profile photo! (Right click on the image and “Save as”)

Fired Up, Ready to Go! Watch the video…

View PDF of our bargaining values here: