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SEIU 925 endorses Bob Ferguson for WA Governor

SEIU 925 and SEIU Healthcare 1199NW members are proud to endorse Bob Ferguson as the next Governor of Washington State. Click here to read our full statement.

Bob Ferguson’s record as state Attorney General demonstrates that he is the best candidate to fight for workers as our next Governor.  Throughout his tenure as AG, Bob Ferguson has held corporate power accountable. His office updated penalties for wage theft violations, and criminally prosecuted employer violators. He recovered over a billion dollars from the pharmacy chains that fueled the opioid crisis, funds which have now gone to improving treatment services in Washington. He held hospital systems responsible for denying charity care to Washingtonians with mountains of medical debt they shouldn’t have had in the first place.

Bob Ferguson shares our belief that there is no justice without racial justice.  When the Trump administration instituted the unconstitutional Muslim travel ban in 2017, Ferguson stood up and said that it was discriminatory and wrong, and fought until it was overturned.  He protected DREAMers from efforts to eliminate DACA and attempts to rip them away from the country and communities they call home. He crafted legislation to hold bad police officers accountable so communities of color can feel protected rather than targeted in their interactions with law enforcement.  And he fought landlords’ blanket bans against renting to individuals targeted by the War on Drugs. 

Bob Ferguson partnered with unions to protect member information from extremist anti-worker groups; to pass a Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and a nation-leading law for financial assistance on hospital care.  He sought justice for immigrant janitors who were being taken advantage of by a janitorial services company due to limited English proficiency. He won victories at the state Supreme Court to improve farmworker wages and fought harmful and dangerous pesticides that hurt their health and safety.

SEIU 925 and SEIU Healthcare 1199NW combined represent nearly 50,000 union members in healthcare, early learning, K12 and higher education, and local government. Member leaders studied questionnaires and interviewed multiple candidates. SEIU 925 and SEIU Healthcare 1199NW are proud to join with sibling locals SEIU 6, SEIU 775, and SEIU CIR in endorsing Bob Ferguson for Governor.