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Family Child Care chapter election: Oct 9 – 30, 2021

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< Voting has begun for Family child care chapter elections ! The voting window is from October 9 to October 30.

Our digital election will be administered by a third-party company called SimplyVoting. This will ensure a safe, fair election. This system may be new to some of us, but we have used it before during contract ratification voting.

The ballot email is coming from v o t e @ s i m p l y v o t i n g . c o m. This email will contain your Elector ID and Password. 

  • Click on the longer second link to go straight to your ballot to vote. Or you can click on the shorter link and enter your Elector ID and password. Both methods are secure.
  • This login information is for only you; do not forward to anyone.

Most members will be voting for Chapter Vice President and Chapter Secretary. If you are a member in the East State region, you will also vote for your top 3 choices for East State Licensed Lead Activist.

You are able to view candidate statements and photos if you click “[view details]” next to each candidate’s name. You can also view candidate statements here: 

Once you click “Continue” to submit your ballot, you will get a confirmation page of who you voted for and a message saying your vote has been recorded.

Are you having trouble voting? Follow these steps:

  1. Check your email’s spam folder. Voting information is coming from, but it will appear as if it’s coming from SEIU 925. The voting email was sent out on October 9 at 12:30pm. 
  2. If you have multiple email addresses, please make sure you check every email address (and each spam folder).
  3. Contact an FCC Chapter Elections Committee member or a provider union leader and have them walk you through the voting process. 
  4. If you can’t find your ballot email, send your full name and email address to Mickey at m s h i n @ s e i u 9 2 5 . o r g (Mickey is able to correct email addresses and re-send emails with voting details.)

Paper ballots will be mailed upon request, until October 19. If you need a physical ballot, request one here: or call the Member Resource Center at 1-877-734-8673. Paper ballots must be mailed and received at the SEIU 925 office by October 30.

We have a lot of exciting ways to vote for different leaders!
FCC chapter elections: ends October 30
Check your email for your SimplyVoting ballot to vote for Family Child Care chapter Vice President and Secretary. Providers in the East Region will also vote for 3 Lead Activists.
Washington State and local election: November 2
Registered voters should receive their ballots soon. Vote on local positions for school board, city council, county council, or ballot measures! Be sure to mail in your ballot or put in a county drop box before November 2.
SEIU 925 officer and executive board: November 13
Every 3 years, all SEIU 925 members (child care, K-12 staff, University of Washington employees, and many more) elect a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Trustees, and executive board members representative of each sector in our union. Contact your union organizer for more information!